Not losing weight can be frustrating. Especially when it feels like your doing all the right things, and you’ve been working hard. If you’ve been wondering why you aren’t losing weight with keto, then you are in the right spot.
Knowing how to effectively lose weight, and THEN maintain that weight is so vital to your success. The truth is, it’s pretty simple. But you have to be willing to honestly evaluate all your mishaps, and then grow from them. Sometimes that can be a hard pill to swallow. If you’re wondering why you aren’t losing weight with keto, chances are it’s at least one of these things that are holding you back.
It took me years to figure this out. I don’t know why, because now it seems so simple. We are living beings that follow the rules of biology. Weight loss is biology aka its just science. That science is slightly different for everyone depending upon their biological and genetic makeup, of course. But the fundamentals remain the same.
Read on for clues as to why you aren’t losing weight with keto…
*This information is for entertainment purposes only. Please see our disclaimer disclosure for more information. I am not a health care professional. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to diet and/or lifestyle.
You aren’t being consistent.
When it comes to trying to lose weight, I was the queen of going “all-out” for a few days, and then completely quitting for that much longer. I’d workout, eat super healthily, and then a few days later I’d be back at square one after a good day (or week) of binge eating. I was your textbook yo-yo dieter.
The key to being consistent is to find something that you can sustain over a long period of time. Your body isn’t going to lose a bunch of fat in the course of a few days/weeks/months, it just doesn’t work like that. Even if it did, you need to find something that is going to be sustainable. Something that will allow you to KEEP the weight off AFTER you’ve reached your goals. Or else, you’ll just keep finding yourself right back at square one.
Consistency is key. Finding a healthy way of eating that allows you to be consistent is SO important.
The keto diet will look slightly different for everyone and it’s all about learning what you can maintain.
You eat more than you burn.
While keto is still the more efficient way to lose weight, it isn’t magic. The food you eat isn’t magically disappearing out of your stomach. When it comes to weight loss, it will always come down to calories in vs calories out.
It’s simple, if you’re eating more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. Keto or not. I’m sure we’ve all heard this a million times, so we’ll just leave it at that.
You’re eating dirty, dirty, dirty keto.
What you put in your body matters. No matter what.
Keto isn’t a magic diet where you can eat whatever you want, as long as you eat fewer carbs. There is no such thing as a diet where you can eat whatever you want. If someone tells you otherwise, it’s BS.
Keto helps me live a healthier lifestyle, in part, by making me choose healthier foods.
Keto doesn’t mean you can go to Wendy’s every day and eat bun-less burgers galore. (Some people choose to do this and still see results, but it still isn’t sustainable or all that healthy.) If you aren’t seeing the results you want, AND your diet consists mainly of processed & fast food, consider trying to eat cleaner. Whole foods are where it’s at!
If you want to read more on dirty vs clean keto, check out this article by Healthline. In short, they touch on, dirty keto being higher sodium, lower in essential micronutrients, and containing unnecessary additives such as trans fat and MSG. They go on to highlight the specific health risks associated with these issues as well.
You aren’t active enough.
Keto is a more efficient weight loss diet, but as I’ve said, it isn’t magic. If you live a mostly sedentary lifestyle or have not yet incorporated exercise into your routine, consider upping your activity. Again, it is all about calories in vs calories out. As you lose more weight, your body won’t need as many calories. If you’ve hit a stalling point, wondering why you’re not losing weight with keto any longer, exercise may be exactly what you need to start losing again.
Alternatively, if you recently started incorporating exercise into your regime HIDE THE SCALE FOR A FEW WEEKS! On average, muscle is over 2 times denser than fat. As you build muscle, your weight will likely stay the same or even increase. The scale can fool you into thinking you aren’t doing as good as you really are.
Take me as an example. When I first started incorporating exercise, in the first month I initially lost 2 inches off my waist, but I also GAINED 2 pounds! Take pictures and measurements. Remember you can’t always trust the scale!
You need to be patient.
I used to think that I could lose all the weight in like, a month. I’d do a 30-minute HIIT workout, go to the mirror, and be like, “is it working yet?!” Ohhh man. *face palm*
Weight loss is a commitment that takes A LOT of time and energy. Both physically and emotionally. You need to be serious and put the hard work in every day.
You will hit road-bumps and stalling points. You will need to adjust things over time. Be patient with yourself, understand that it is a learning process, and don’t give up.
Any of those “lose X-amount of pounds in just 1 month” is just a scam. Do not fall for it.
If you are serious about losing weight, you need to make the commitment, long-term.
You may have an underlying health condition.
If you are doing everything right, and the fat still won’t seem to budge, you may have an underlying health condition. Certain medications can also hinder fat loss. I am not a doctor or health professional. If you feel like you’re doing everything right, but the scale won’t budge, talk to your doctor!
*This information is for entertainment purposes only. Please see our disclaimer disclosure for more information. I am not a health care professional. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to diet and/or lifestyle.